14 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5 pm
Wallonie - Brussels
Chaussée de La Hulpe, 120 – 1000 Brussels
Kortrijksesteenweg 218 – 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Socially responsible investing: our vision

Sustainable development has become a key theme in the current context, with social and environmental issues at the forefront of global concerns. Increasing numbers of investors are seeking to bring their investment decisions into line with their values and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The aim behind responsible and sustainable investment is to generate financial returns while also taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into account. This represents a paradigm shift away from the traditional investment approach.

At Banque de Luxembourg, we believe that investors have a key role to play in supporting companies that make a positive impact. For this reason, our Banque de Luxembourg funds have incorporated non-financial criteria into their investment decisions since 2017.

To clarify this approach, Maria Nemekh, CFA, Senior Investment Advisor within Private Banking Investments, takes three minutes to answer the following questions:

  • How does this concept integrate into our investment solutions?
  • What have we already put in place?
  • What are we going to offer our clients in the near future in terms of sustainable investment?



Given the range of considerations to be taken into account when designing and implementing an investment strategy that corresponds to investor expectations, in accordance with the MiFID profile, reliance on expert advice is key.

At Banque de Luxembourg, our investment approach is based on sound experience, straightforward principles, proven know-how and a long-standing team. Consistent and holistic incorporation of all these financial and non-financial elements is essential to the successful design of a portfolio that is aligned with an investor’s values and the impact they are seeking to achieve, while also corresponding to their risk profile, return expectations and liquidity requirements.

Find out more
Find out how to make your assets count without sacrificing potential growth.

For more information:

Larissa Babkina
Head of Desk, Private Banking
Lorraine Calo
Head of Desk, Private Banking
Tiên-Dat Hoang
Deputy Head of Private Banking Wallonie - Bruxelles