14 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5 pm
Wallonie - Brussels
Chaussée de La Hulpe, 120 – 1000 Brussels
Kortrijksesteenweg 218 – 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Are you planning to buy your first property, a second home or a buy-to-let? Every property investment project is unique and requires detailed attention.

We analyse all the tax aspects, and the financial and personal wealth implications, in order to offer you the most appropriate solution for your situation.Angela Murrell, Private Banking Adviser

Buying your main residence or a second home

Are you looking to acquire, extend, renovate or build your main residence or second home? Our mission is to help you assess all aspects of your project and support you throughout your deliberations in order to offer you the most appropriate financing solutions.

Our services

Tailor-made financing solutions

Tax optimisation of your project

Bridging loans

Valuing and financing second homes

Opting for buy-to-let

Do you want to diversify your assets by investing in a rental property and optimise the rental income you receive? You may wish to generate income or a capital gain over the long term, rapidly expand a property portfolio, arrange how you pass it on, restructure existing assets or diversify them in your country of residence or internationally… Since every situation is specific, it is essential to have sound advice in order to establish a coherent strategy for the long term.

Our services

Tailor-made financing solutions

Analysis of income, and acquisition price and running costs

Advice on the repayment period and terms

Tax considerations for your project and rental income

Specific insurance depending on the type of investment

Let’s discuss how I can help you

Paulo Flora-Rei
Private Banking Adviser
Maurizio Calcagno
Private Banking Adviser