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Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5 pm
Wallonie - Brussels
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Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Philippe Depoorter answers questions from Thierry Raizer, chief editor of Paperjam

Philippe Depoorter, Head of Services for Businesses and Entrepreneurs, answered questions from Thierry Raizer in a Live Chat organised by the Paperjam Club.

Highlights of the Live Chat (in French)

  • How clients and the Next Gen are handling the crisis
  • Business handovers and relationships with money
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • (Questions from the audience)

These are some of the topics addressed by Philippe, who draws on more than 10 years of experience in supporting families in business.

How have your clients reacted to the COVID-19 crisis?

I hear from our family business and real estate clients that they feel very calm, thanks to their solid position and strong focus on family.


What are the challenges of a successful succession and business handover?


For a handover to be smooth and well-received, the will has to be written by two people: the giver and the beneficiary. Our work involves teaching two generations to talk calmly and very openly.


Is CSR everyone’s responsibility?

Nowadays, it may seem as if corporate social responsibility relieves us of personal responsibility. On the contrary, I think it is essential that every effort starts with the individual and that this responsibility comes from a personal initiative rather than a set of rules.


Questions from the audience

In general, are family businesses more agile than others in times of crisis? How do you earn the trust of close-knit family businesses? In the current circumstances, how do you convince families to stay in business? 


Watch the full conversation between Philippe Depoorter and Thierry Raizer