14 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5 pm
Wallonie - Brussels
Chaussée de La Hulpe, 120 – 1000 Brussels
Kortrijksesteenweg 218 – 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Overview of Banque de Luxembourg

In Portrait 2022, Banque de Luxembourg presents its 2021 financial results, which show a significant increase over the previous year.

Figures reflect the Bank’s solidity

Despite a complicated macroeconomic and geopolitical context dominating our economies, the Bank's revenues have grown dynamically, due to low interest rates and growth across all its activities. An increase in client deposits of over 10% and the solvency ratio of 23.93%, well above regulatory requirements, reflect our solidity.

Keeping in touch with our clients

As an attentive Bank, we strive to maintain the balance between the interests of all our stakeholders, by putting people at the heart of our actions. For all the uncertainty created by the pandemic, we stayed in constant contact with our private clients, businesses & entrepreneurs, and professional clients to enable them to carry out their projects and offer them individual support. This is the reason why our clients continued to trust our expertise throughout 2021.

We appreciate the importance of digital interaction but we do not see it as a replacement for human relationships, which will always be central to our services.

A Bank specialising in asset management

Through our activities, we offer our clients access to two strands of expertise, placing ESG considerations at the heart of our strategy:

  • investment fund management via our asset-management subsidiary BLI – Banque de Luxembourg Investments;
  • portfolio construction via our Private Banking Investments teams.

Our resilient investment strategies have a proven track record during phases of extreme market turbulence.

Our CSR approach guides us towards continuous and measurable improvement.

Check out Portrait 2022 to find out more about how we run our Bank for the benefit of our clients and employees, our shareholder and the community.



For more information

Isabelle Mandelli
Head of Press Relations