How to manage your assets at every stage of your life
In a complex economic environment, investors have many questions about their investments and about what guidance is available for all aspects of their wealth management – from investing, taxation and financing through to passing on their wealth...Find out more about our comprehensive support, with Marc Paffenholz, Private Banking Adviser (in luxemburgish). In a complex economic environment, investors have many questions about their investments and about what guidance is available for all aspects of their wealth management – from investing, taxation and financing through to passing on their wealth...Find out more about our comprehensive support, with Sandra Giunta, Head of Private Banking Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Solid expertise despite a turbulent context
The last few months have been marked by geopolitical tensions, high inflation and the increasing complexity of the financial markets. This context of uncertainty reminds us that it is more important than ever to choose an approach that prioritises quality assets and risk control.
Our objective is to preserve and grow our clients' capital. Our experts do this by applying a selection methodology that focuses on buying quality stocks at a fair price, because the price paid determines the future return. They analyse and identify companies with the potential for growth, not only in the short term but over longer periods, thanks to strong competitive advantages and the ability to set prices.
Comprehensive support
Comprehensive and multi-jurisdictional support
Family and professional situations, aspirations, concerns, objectives and investment horizons are bound to evolve over the course of a lifetime and vary according to the individual. Every stage of life raises major questions that sometimes require major decisions. It makes sense to be accompanied by a long-term partner who can help you with personalised solutions for investments, real estate financing, wealth engineering, estate planning, etc.
In addition to the challenging macroeconomic environment, our clients' needs are becoming increasingly complex.
Cross-border situations sometimes highlight the need for guidance from an expert who can provide solutions for multi-jurisdictional problems.
To meet our clients’ needs, we offer specific and personalised expertise, tailored to each situation and to a chosen investment strategy.
Trust is at the heart of our relationships
In the spirit of a long-term partnership, unswayed by fashionable trends and visions of short-term gains, we offer sustainable wealth and financing solutions. Supporting our clients in all their projects is what we do.
We are fortunate to be able to accompany families, often over many decades, and transfer this relationship of trust from generation to generation. For us, the human aspect is paramount, which means putting our clients’ interests at the heart of our approach.