Betrugrisiko : Es finden derzeit Kontaktaufnahmen durch Personen statt, die unter missbräuchlicher Verwendung des Namens, des Logos und der Adresse der Banque de Luxembourg vorgeben, für die Bank zu arbeiten, um betrügerische Spar- und Anlageprodukte anzubieten. Wachsam bleiben

Neue Einblicke in die Bank
14, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxemburg
Montag bis Freitag
8.30 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr
Wallonie - Brüssel
Chaussée de La Hulpe, 120 - 1000 Brüssel
Kortrijksesteenweg 218 - 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Montag bis Freitag
8.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr

Independent asset managers

As your clients' needs grow,
let’s ask the right questions.

Do you ever find yourself wondering about the many changes affecting your business and how they will impact how you operate in the future?

We see opportunities in these developments to help you bounce back and stand out from the crowd. Jean Demuth, Head of Independent Investor Services, shares a few of them with us...


Comprehensive support





How can you make a difference as an adviser?

By having more time for your clients… thanks to the time we save you!

Market sophistication, regulatory burden, client requirements: everything is increasing... except your availability! How can you free up your time, be more attentive to your clients and give them your advice?

We save you time.

  • Services built around your needs
  • An organisation that allows you to ease your administrative follow-up
  • Banking services designed to optimise time to market, including account opening, order execution, loan offers, a digital platform and connectivity
Contact us

How can you protect your clients, and your independence as a result?

By sharing a simple principle: integrity.

The collaboration with your custodian bank is governed by strict rules, including absolute respect for your client portfolio. This rule is one of our values and it corresponds to our business model, so it is easy for us to uphold it. Our activity as a custodian bank, because it is strategic, is in fact separate from private banking.

Having easy access to a single point of contact also protects your independence.

  • They are attuned to your interests
  • They rely on a small multilingual team
  • They are responsible for respecting your strategic choices and those of your clients
Contact us

How can you reassure your clients about the future?

By providing them with a century-old partner that is skilfully moving with the times!

Because our society is currently facing many changes and because your clients may worry about losing some of their bearings, the time is right to strengthen your relationship with them and provide them with guarantees about the strength of your partners.

Banque de Luxembourg, a solid bank on a human scale

  • Key player in Luxembourg and Belgium
  • Developing activities at the service of asset management professionals for 40 years, with EUR 9 billion in client deposits
  • Subsidiary of the French mutual group Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, and a member of its Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC) arm
Contact us

Contact us, meet us, tell us your plans.

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